My Notes
These are scribbles written for the sake of increasing learning retention. To me, writing down my own thought after experiencing something with 5 senses is a good exercise for mental strength. Don't believe me, please.

Day 30: JavaScript Challenge 28 September 2017
After 4 months trying to get into the DOM and Web API (without libraries, frameworks, or tooling), I finally finish 30 day JavaScript challenge! Read on.

Day 29: JavaScript Challenge 27 September 2017
Making a custom timer for procrastinator like me is quite fun and useful. What an interesting challenge! Read on.

Day 28: JavaScript Challenge 26 September 2017
Speeding up and down the video by moving up and down that fancy slider back and forth... That sounds boring. Read on.

Day 27: JavaScript Challenge 26 September 2017
Scrolling that fancy carousel by grabbing and moving it back and forth... That sounds boring. Read on.

Day 26: JavaScript Challenge 18 September 2017
This is improvement for day 22 JavaScript challenge (copying Stripe feature). It's not so bad. Read on.

Day 25: JavaScript Challenge 16 September 2017
It's very important for the one who build user-facing features on top of DOM and Web API to understand event propagation, bubbling, and capturing. Read on.

Day 24: JavaScript Challenge 16 September 2017
It's about sticky navigation bar most modern web pages bother to have. Read on.

Day 23: JavaScript Challenge 3 September 2017
I've done the similar challenge in day 20 before (Hawking's voice synthesizer), but it's more challenging (not really). Read on.

Day 22: JavaScript Challenge 27 August 2017
I don't think following along and highlighting the link while hovering over it is important. Read on.

Day 21: JavaScript Challenge 25 August 2017
I don't have Mac, so doing the actual challenge might be frustrating. However, playing (copy-pasting) with Google Map API doesn't leave bad taste in my mouth. Read on.