Day 30: JavaScript Challenge
After 4 months trying to get into the DOM and Web API (without libraries, frameworks, or tooling), I finally finish 30 day JavaScript challenge! It sounds easy, but you have to try it yourself. It takes a lot of hard work!
What am I going to do now? I am going to learn React, I mean React’s source code. I want to know how it works, not just how to use it smartly like those smart people out there. It must be hard.
Why I choose React? Because Reddit use it in production and I am a big fan of Reddit. If Reddit, Mozilla, or Wikipedia happened to use Angular in production, I will learn and use Angular instead. Just as simple as that. I am not fascinated by benchmark, comparison, speed, and whatnot. I am not Software Engineer and I don’t make any decisions. If the team decided to use whatever technologies available, I won’t mind it as long as the features delivered and the customers happy. The only thing that makes human happy is usefulness, so I intend to be useful, always! By the way, here’s the last demo.
Here’s how I finish the challenge. I will comment on it if it is somewhat necessary.
<h1>Whack-a-mole! <span class="score">0</span></h1>
<div class="game">
<div class="hole hole1">
<div class="mole"></div>
<div class="hole hole2">
<div class="mole"></div>
<div class="hole hole3">
<div class="mole"></div>
<div class="hole hole4">
<div class="mole"></div>
<div class="hole hole5">
<div class="mole"></div>
<div class="hole hole6">
<div class="mole"></div>
<button class="playAgain" style="display: none; margin: 20px auto; height: 50px; font-size: medium">
Play again!
I summarise 30 day JavaScript challenge on a single page. Here it is.