Making a custom timer for procrastinator like me is quite fun and useful. What an interesting challenge! Here’s the demo.

I can only show the markup and JavaScript code here. Nothing to explain.


    <div class="timer">
      <div class="timer__controls">
        <button data-time="20" class="timer__button">20 Secs</button>
        <button data-time="300" class="timer__button">Work 5</button>
        <button data-time="900" class="timer__button">Quick 15</button>
        <button data-time="1200" class="timer__button">Snack 20</button>
        <button data-time="3600" class="timer__button">Lunch Break</button>
        <form name="customForm" id="custom">
          <input type="text" name="minutes" placeholder="Enter Minutes">
      <div class="display">
        <h1 class="display__time-left"></h1>
        <p class="display__end-time"></p>

    <script src="scripts.js"></script>
